Tafman Tar surfacing 0617109996

Tar Resurfacing

Tar Pavement

Tar Road Surfacing

Tar Driveways

Tar parking lots

Tar loading bays

Tar crack sealing

Tar repair

Tar patching

Tar seal coating

Tar fog spray

Tar maintanance

Tar traffic circle

Tar speed humps

Tar road markings.

 We work throughout South Africa, delivering quality pavement at fair prices using state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained, professional crews.

But asphalt isn't all we do. We are also equipped to handle any pre-paving sitework that may be required, as well as pavement marking, seal coating, and small or large-scale pavement repair and rehabilitation.

At Tafman Tar Surfacing, quality comes first. Our crews take pride in their work. We perform to the most exacting construction specs, and we are not satisfied until you the customer are satisfied

We are a tar surfacing company, giving value at competitive rates. Try us now and you will never regret


  • Highways (maintenance and improvement) Roads
  •  Commercial premises                                             
  •  Tar surfacing  and parking lines
  • Surfacing of  roads & premises                            
  • Tar Surfacing of grounds and Parking Areas
  • Tar Paving of Footpaths                                                 
  •    Construction Tar paving 
  •   Tar Surfacing Contrators                                              
  • Asphalt Paving and Kerbing 
  •  Access Ramps & Tarring
  •  Brick paving Tar Surfaces                                          
  • Tar surfacingof Driveways  
  • Tar surfacing Of Roads and driveways           
  • Tar Paving of Pathways school yards

Tar Road Surfacing, Tar Driveways, Tar parking lots, Tar loading bays,Tar crack sealing, Tar repair, Tar patching, Tar seal coating, Tar fog spray, Tar maintanance, Tar traffic circle, Tar speed humps, Tar road markings.

061 710 9996
Email gilberttaruzataruza@gmail.com

Tar Contractor

Tar School Yards

Tar Maintanace

Tar Tennis Courts

Brick Paving

Tar Paving

Tar Repair

Complex Tar  Surfcaing

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